Sunday, January 18, 2009


Obamanomics. Its 2:25 AM and I couldn't sleep. Obamanomics is not necessarily what was keeping me awake, but it seemed to be the word that kept coming to mind. For some reason, as I tossed and turned, I kept thinking that I was going to coin that term. The link above would indicate that at least 212,000 people thought of it before me.

The funny thing is I am less concern with his fiscal policy than some other things, its just that that was the word that popped into my sleepless mind and wouldn't leave. I'll admit it. I'm totally winging it here. I am not a political scientist. I am not an economist. I am not even "Joe the Plumber..." I am a lifelong Republican. Always a fiscal conservative. Previously a somewhat social liberal, but more and more conservative on the social side as well.

For those of you who don't know me and stumble upon this, I am also a registered voter in the state of Illinois. Mr. Obama was my Senator. No I did not vote for him (ever).

I think that the thing that is keeping my awake is fear. I am afraid of the fact that I almost like this guy. I say almost... because I don't. BUT, there is something about him. Several have claimed that he is the Antichrist. Snopes is certainly not an authority on the subject, but then again, neither am I. However, there are people that I know and respect that share my concern.

Let's be clear, Obama is no "Slick Willy", another guy that far too many people found likable and some even thought to be believable. Barack, in my opinion does seem to possess a bit more character than former President Clinton. I also believe that his motives are a little more genuine than our last democratic president. However, I am really getting tired of the whole Lincoln thing! Obama is NOT Lincoln, duh. The whistle-stop tour today. The Lincoln Bible for the inauguration. That whole thing makes me want to gag.

This is a case where for the sake of our great nation, the United States of America, I hope that I am wrong. I hope that my gut feeling; the feeling that there is something just "not right" about this guy, is totally wrong. I'll go on record right now as saying that if 4 years from now, or heaven forbid, 8 years from now, we are preparing to inaugurate our NEXT president, and the country is Significantly better off, I'll be the first to admit that he was everything that people are hoping he is.

Its taken me nearly a half hour to compose these thoughts and I'd like to say that I am tired and ready to go to sleep. But I can't. "I have a bad feeling about this..."


Anonymous said...

Okay, so you've made your thoughts clear about our recent Democratic Presidents ( the last one and the next one), but what are your thoughts with regard to 43?
Clinton was too slick, he had a high opinion of himself, and wasn't as altruistic as he thought himself to be.
Obama makes people anxious because he expects more from people...not just financially and not just from the middle class and have not's to the benefit of the wealthy. Obama is calling on everyone to do what is right, what is just, for all. Both financially and socially. And what he's asking is not beneath him... we see him out helping at the food pantry and we hear him talk about striving to understand and respect all people.
Where does the fiscally and socially conservative republican President Bush fit in between the democrats?
Our country is on the brink of financial ruin and the tax payer is left having to pay the bill...without a proper accounting from the fat cat's that took the money. The rich got richer and the average hard working family has seen their standard of living slide, slide, slide.
President Bush has done much to address the international HIV\AIDs crisis and should be commended for those efforts. But, in his eight years in office his administration has blundered in many many ways from the response to Katrina, to FISA, to Gitmo, to WMD's in Iraq, to etc., etc., etc. How can Bush say that we're fighting for democracy in Iraq while at the same time ignoring the rule of law? How can he spout democracy while signing executive orders eliminating basic civil rights in our own country?
No, I'm not going to miss President Bush. When 43 leaves I will feel hope knowing that things can only improve with new leadership in the White House. I know that the downward spiral we're locked in right now won't end when President Obama walks in the door but I do expect things to improve with time.
I hope that in 4 or 8 years I have not been terribly disappointed. I hope that in 4-8 years our great country will once again be a beacon of liberty and justice and hope for the whole world to see and aspire to.
I think Obama wants that to happen too, but he knows he can't do it alone. Maybe he is going to expect everyone to do what is right, what is just. Maybe he is going to expect us all to be responsible for our actions and attitudes, both fiscally and socially.
Maybe that's the scary thing for some people.

Rick Bahl said...

Now THAT is what I'm talkin' 'bout! I love a well thought out, sincere response!!! I know that many won't agree with me. I know that because I don't agree with many.

I do believe that we should appreciate one another’s thoughtful opinions.

With respect to your comments on #43, I won’t even attempt to come to his defense. I will point out as you alluded to that he heads the Executive Branch. I’ll contend that much of the trouble that we are in today originated in the Legislative Branch. That is a topic for another day.

For now, I thank you for your response. Only time will tell whether it is my fear or you optimism that is truly warranted.