Friday, May 15, 2009

Welcome a Friend

This week must be "Friend Week..." This post deals more with a "change" than a "welcome back." It would seem that one of by very good friends, as a matter of fact, my FAVORITE Canadian friend, Stuart Crawford had to make some changes to his blog hosting. He has asked me to update my link to his blog on this site. Which I have done. If you haven't visited Stuarts blog, I would highly encourage you to do so, by clicking on the link in the NAV bar on the right.

For those of you that don't know Stuart, he is one of the nicest people you could meet. If you work in the SMB Tech space, is is one of the BEST people you could meet. He is very active in the SMB Tech space and is a key contributor on so many levels. He is a prolific blogger, a published author, a gifted speaker and just a genuinely nice guy.

Want to know the thing I like best about Stuart? He has a powerful testimony that he shares openly. Stuart has learned to become very transparent in his faith. He is unashamed of his relationship with God and his dependence upon Grace through Jesus.

Stuart hosts a weekly Blogtalk Radio segment. The following link is to a segment he did late last year on Faith in the Workplace. I was a guest as well as several of my fellow HTG peers.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Goodbye to a friend.

A good friend of mine has accepted God's calling to serve a church in the great state of Washington. Steve Jepersen has been my Willow Creek Community Church "Area Pastor" for nearly 3 years now. As a Community Leader in Steve's area, he has been my "boss" for that time. Keep in mind that I am a volunteer, so "boss" is a relative term.

I will say that it has been a pleasure serving our community under his direction and support. He will be sorely missed.

Please join me in praying for Steve and his wife Jean as the move on to serve Snohomish Community Church.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother’s Day!

Dear Mom,

This morning at church, we were reminded of the power of Words. Words are powerful.

Every child knows that, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me…” Oh, if that were only true. Words can hurt. They can also, encourage.
Words are powerful.
They can inspire. Words can instruct and guide. Words can degrade.
Words are powerful.

There are no more powerful words than those contained in the Bible. The words of the Bible describe the entire human experience. They introduce us the Alpha and the Omega. The “I AM” is distinguished from the multitudes of “I am - NOT”

Matthew 15:4 tells us “For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’” The celebration of “Mother’s Day” is a fairly recent tradition. No, it wasn’t created by Hallmark, but according to Wikipedia, here in North America, we trace it back to Anna Jarvis in 1912. I was a bit surprised to discover that bit of trivia.

At any rate, I set out to consider some powerful words that describe you. It’s kind of funny. The words that come to mind are definitely a function of the period in my life and the role that you played during that period. I am confident that you did not change nearly as much as my perception did.

As a child, I recall very clearly that you were beautiful. I remember sitting on the couch, combing your hair. I believe the appropriate term would be “ratting” your hair, but none-the-less, by doing so, I felt part of your beauty. I can still recall photographs of you and Dad all “dressed up” for some occasion. Beauty indeed!

Adolescence and young adulthood bring to bear strong images of forgiveness. Lord knows that you were given ample opportunities to forgive. I’ll admit, at times I just could not understand. But today, that is probably one of the greatest gifts that you have bestowed upon me. My ability to forgive others is undoubtedly a gift of God, but no one modeled it better than you.

One of the speakers today spoke of the fact that mother’s never stop impacting their children. Even today, as I rapidly approach the ripe old age of 50, your influence, opinion and guidance are every bit as important to me as when I was 5. This may come as a bit of a surprise to you, (or maybe not) but you are one of the wisest people I know. When I stop to think about it, where did it come from? I’m not sure that we can credit it to an exemplary education. Certainly raising Darran, Danae and myself did not fill you with wisdom. I would have to conclude that your wisdom came from the same place that Solomon received his. By humbly surrendering your spirit to Christ, God has filled you with wisdom beyond your education or experience. You have inspired me in more ways than you can imagine.

Beautiful, forgiving and wise, who could ask for more? Yet more there is indeed. Perhaps next year, I can try this again and I am sure that a whole new list of words would spring to life, reminding me of you. Happy Mother’s Day!

