Friday, April 10, 2009

A Thousand Questions

Many of you know that I am a participating member of Willow Creek Community Church. Yesterday I received an email from Bill Hybels pertaining to the Easter Service. The email included a link to a short video clip from Bill.

While I was viewing the clip, I started to "explorer" a bit. Willow has a fairly extensive library of multimedia content on their website. I came across this piece from the Willow Creek Leadership Summit call A Thousand Questions. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The End of Christian America

I saw this article on my MSN home page this morning. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it, but I must say that I am not surprised by the findings.

The End of Christian America

I am listening to the audio book, "The Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard. I'm guessing that Mr. Willard would not be terribly surprised either.

Part of me actually takes comfort in the report. After all, what we are talking about is the "self-identified Christians." It is one thing to call yourself a "Christian" and quite another to live the life that Christ has called us to live.

To put it another way, if you gave everyone a list and asked them to pick from the list, some number has always picked "Christian." That simply means they liked that choice better than the others OR they thought that was the "right" answer to the question. It doesn't really mean anything.

If you take that point of view, it might mean that those who remain, are closer to living the Christian life, removing the "posers" for the lack of a better term. Is that all bad? Perhaps not... I see this as a cycle. Maybe if those that remain live a life that reflects the "LIGHT" that is within them, it will attract new believers and we will eventually see the numbers turn.

I hardly think that we witnessing "The End of Christian America." What do you think?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


A friend of mine sent me this and I immediately recognized the tune. If you are younger than 35, you probably won't. I don't necessarily agree completely with the singer, but I certainly share his general views and opinions. How about you?