Thursday, July 30, 2009

Let all I do honor You

I'm sure this never happens to anyone else, but every now and then a song just convicts me! It's not so much that its a catchy tune that gets stuck in your head (if you were listening to Klove radio yesterday, you learned all about "ear worms.") but instead it rocks you and just won't go away.

I'm a huge fan of Chris Tomlin and he does a Billy Foote song called "You Are My King." The song is totally awesome but the refrain contains the phrase "Let all I do honor You" OUCH!

A challenge? A statement? A wish? What is it for you? I can tell you in my case it is NOT a profession of TRUTH... If it is a wish, what good is that? "Gee, I sure hope that everything I do honors You, Jesus..." "Oh, and BTW, if it doesn't - I'm sorry." If it is a challenge, what must I do to overcome it? I start by trying to remain "connected to the vine."

At Willow Creek, we are blessed with some of the best teaching pastors on the planet. When they aren't teaching, we learn from guest teachers that are World Class, such as Andy Stanley, David Nasser, Michael Durso Wayne Cordiero and others. You can listen to the regular weekly messages here, Media Player.

Quite some time ago, Willow changed it's mid-week service to a "campus-style" classes format. Classes range from "Seeker" to "Committed Christ Follower." All are captured in audio and some include streaming video. The Current Class archive is here, Classes at Willow.

Back to my point of how do I "Let all I do honor You." The truth is, not very well.

Mindy Caliguire has been teaching a series called "Experience Ephesians: Soul Care in the Scriptures." You will find it listed at the link I just provided. Mindy is one of my favorite teachers, and like the Chris Tomlin song, her lessons in this series have pierce me. Her teaching has "called me out."

The TRUTH is, whether I Honor my King in all I do or not, He Loves me! For that I am eternally thankful.

Monday, July 27, 2009

In God We Still Trust

My father sent me this a while back and I just got around to watching it. I haven't listened to our local C&W station for a looooong time, so I don't know if this received much airplay or not. You Diamond Rio fans will recognize this but for the rest of you, enjoy!

How would you introduce Christ?

Steve Harvey is a Comedian and Radio Show host.

Something you might expect at a Southern Baptist revival, but has near as I can tell, that wasn't the venue.