Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Congratulations to the United States of America

If you know me or you have read any of my blog, it should come as no surprise to you that I consider myself to be a conservative Republican. But today that label pales to a much more significant one. Today I am a Proud American!

Politics aside, I must take a moment to recognize this momentous occasion. It is truly significant at so many different levels. This post will be one of hundreds of thousands, if not millions today. Many will focus on the man who just became the 44th President of the United States. I would like to focus on the HOPE that was so obvious today.

By most accounts, there were over 1.5 million people at the inauguration ceremony. The news report that I listened to said that there were "no arrests!" That in itself is truly remarkable. Nearly every spectator that was interviewed spoke of hope and opportunity. A common theme was "if he can do this..."

You may not have voted for the man. You may not share is views or support his plans. But if you are an American you must rejoice in that fact that a barrier that many thought would never be broken, was shattered on this very day!

May God truly bless America and may HE impart HIS wisdom on this leader, our President.

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