Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008!

Christmas 2008 is nearing it conclusion, for me! It began as does every day for me. I literally roll out of bed and the first thing that hits the floor is my knees. I find myself in prayer, often times for several minutes. Once again, today was no different.

My kids are older now, almost 14, so there aren't quites as many presents under the tree, AND they weren't up before the sun. Opening gifts was "quick & easy" compared to many years past.

Tradition has us spending the afternoon with Karen's extended family. Over the years that experience has ranged from joyous to, well.... sometimes just a bit less than "good." I would rate today as a "better than average!"

I guess where I am going with this is.... today could have been so much more, and it wasn't. It was so full of potential, unfulfilled. My morning devotional CHALLENGED me to take advantage TODAY to share the Gospel of Jesus. TODAY!

Those that know me have heard me say before, "What would Jesus have me do, Today?" Today, on the anniversary of His birth, I was to share the gospel with someone, anyone. I didn't. Not because there was no opportunity. I was surrounded by people who know the "Our Father..." none of who KNOW THE FATHER!

How did you do? I would Really like to know. Did anyone have the opportunity to SHARE Jesus with another? More accurately I should ask, "Did anyone SHARE Jesus with another?" Tell me! I would love to hear your story.

Willow Creek has had some rather large Christmas productions in years past. For the two years prior, they have presented a rather elaborate production called "Imagine Christmas." It was very entertaining and quite spectacular. I'll say that the Christmas message was even faithfully delivered.

This year was a bit different. It was still a much larger and still a very "professional" and polished production. But this year much of the "glitz' was gone, replaced by a very simple central theme. Light. This year the gospel of the "Good News" was presented in a more comprehensive manner. Jesus was born. We know that. We celebrate that and for good reason. For a moment, go back to my post yesterday. If we simply celebrated the birth of a baby, how significant would that be? Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

He brought the Light to our dark world. And then what? He called all believers to be the "Light of the world." His birth, foretold by the bright and shinning star illuminated the world in a way that had not been seen since the creation. He is the Light and he is the souce of our Light!

Willow is currently offering the entire Christmas service (I believe that this is the first or second of 12) as streaming media, online. I don't know how long this link will last and I'll warn you that it comes in at just over 95 minutes. But, I would encourage you to check it out. I can assure you that it will NOT be your typical "Christmas Service".

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