Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I've fallen, will I get up?

We are rapidly approaching the end of 2008. For most of us, we will be happy to see it go. To be honest, it is about this time every year, that I just want it to be DONE. Its not so much that I am looking forward to the coming year, in this case, I'm not sure that 2009 is going to be any better. By most accounts it is likely to be much worse. I just get to the end of the year, throw my hands up and say, "It's Finished..."

Does that sound a little depressing? Perhaps, but the reality is, I have been blessed and I have a great deal to be thankful for. I know that. But like everyone else, I sometimes forget. Remember Job? He had it ALL! He was a righteous man before God and was blessed richly. Then what? At what appeared to be the "top of his game", he lost it all. I mean everything. I'm sure that some who read this can identify with that feeling. Its not too long ago that many if not most Americans were feeling "pretty good." I believe that the term was "irrational exuberance." The "tech bubble" burst. We survived. The air wasn't fully out of that balloon before we started inflating the "housing bubble." Won't we ever learn? POP!

I'm going to avoid the temptation to go too "deep" on this, but let's just say that the "Lord givith and the Lord taketh way." Are you feeling even a little bit despondent? Do you really think that your life is that bad? Well tell me this, how would your life be if you were born with no arms and no legs? Meet Nick Vujicic and let him teach you about the importance of "getting back up."

Nick did it. Job did it. What about you? Can you get back up?

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