Wednesday, December 10, 2008

American Depression

This week I am in Seattle for the Microsoft Mobile Communications Partner Summit 2008. Quality Systems Solutions, Inc., the company I own, is one of just over 400 Microsoft partners in the US with the Mobility Competency, so we were invited to attend the two day event. You can read my comments on the conference here.

In the morning keynote speech, Allison Watson, Corporate Vice President, World Wide Partner Group, spoke about the tough economic times we are facing and made several references to the Great Depression. I'm not much of one for reading the newspaper, but late last night I was having trouble sleeping, so I picked up the copy of USA Today that had been left in the room. On page 11A I found a FULL Page advertisement that caught my eye. The title was, "WHAT AMERICA CAN DO TO AVOID A DEPRESSION ." Apparently the ad is a reposting of the blog, .

Rather and repost the contents of the readily available blog, I would highly recommend you check it out. The idea is SO simple and it make so much GOOD SENSE, it is almost destine for failure. For some reason, our politicians have a real challenge with simple solutions to complex problem, that might actually work. Instead they would prefer to toss money around (your money and mine) giving it to the very same people who caused the problem in the first place.

Rather than bail out those that are "too big to fail", lets help those too small to steal (your taxes and mine). The reference to stealing implies my opinion that the money that was "lent" to these companies has a very LOW probability to being repaid and for all practical purposes it is being stolen...

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