Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Monday! Don't you just hate that??? How often do you really have a "happy Monday?"

I suppose that there is really no reason why I can't. I just usually don't. I won't get into that... It's just how the words appeared on the screen...

What I really wanted to focus on was Father's day? Was that happy for you? Mine was a good day! The Bahl family happens to be at the Bahl home... in Ohio. My family is spending a mini-vacation at my parent's house. My daughter is spending this week at a gymnastics camp hosted by Kent State University. Which incidentally is coached by a high school friend of mine.

Anyway, we slept in yesterday and attended the church service at North-Mar Churh. One of their missionary's was home from Jordan and preached an outstanding message centered on Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch from Acts 8. I just check and the message isn't posted yet, but when it is, I'll post a link. I would definitely recommend listening to how he tied the Biblical teaching to action in today's world.

After church, we grabbed a bite to eat and then when out to tour a project that my dad has been working on with the Army Corp of Engineers. The whole family enjoyed a very beautiful day at the lake.

What would the first day of summer be without a BBQ? We had grilled hamburgers and sweet corn. Very good indeed!

I have to share with you one gift that my father received. From my brother, his middle child, he received the gift of Sobriety. Darran's card to my dad contained his "30-day" coin from AA. After 22 years of alcohol addiction, he is well on his way to recovery, and for that we are all celebrating!

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