Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Think about it

I am certain that when I started this, I never intended for it to become a video blog. I believe I was going to " chronicle the musings of a...______" At this point, I'll let you fill in the blank! The fact is, a my postings reach more and more people, guess what? They send me more and more "stuff." I guess that is really what it is all about, sharing. Sharing, ideas. Sharing opinions. Sharing the creative works of others. I'm not terribly creative, so it is unlikely that you will ever see any original work, done by me, on these pages.

However... I do know some VERY creative people. The bits that I have posted thus far, I hope have been impactful, or at least enjoyable. My challenge to you creative friends is this, "Give me your BEST! BRING IT ON!! Show me what you've got!!!" In return, I'll share it with the rest of my friends and we will all be grateful. ;-)

A fellow servant of the Lord, Bud Domagata, who by the way is one of those Veterans that we recently honored on this blog, sent me this one, Think about it.

My oldest son, with whom I am well pleased, sent me this, The Good Life Parable: An MBA meets a fisherman. I will warn you that in the end, it promotes a book. THAT is not my intention. I've never read the book and I currently have no plans to do so. Darran, who is preparing for his MBA (700 on his GMAT !!!) is, so if he recommends it, I'll let you know. The piece does however point out a very basic truth that we frequently miss, especially Small Business Owners, like myself.

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