Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thankful, I am. I have been blessed with many things and in many areas this past year and for each I am thankful. I had given some thought to preparing a list, and I probably should have, but I'm afraid that I did not. So I will mention the obvious.

My family is truly a blessing. They tolerate me when I am otherwise intolerable. They encourage me when I feel defeated and they Love me unconditionally. I can't imagine what my life would be like without any one of them.

God has blessed me financially. As I try to focus my efforts on growing my business into the organization that I want it to be, He has been faithful in meeting our needs, and more. On paper, this year will be one of the lowest income years that I have had in decades, but through it all, I have lacked nothing. God has met us where we are and has provided through his bounty. In times such as this, I would wish this blessing upon Everyone.

We have been healthy. My immediate family has been blessed with good health this past year. Aging is beginning to take its toll on Karen and I, but nothing out of the ordinary. I'm sure that our day will come, but when it does, God will be there to sustain us. For today, blessed we are!

I suppose that I could go on.... and on. But I won't. I will close in announcing that a family tradition is in transition. As a child, we always celebrated Thanksgiving at my Grandparents (on my mother's side). When she was unable to do that any longer, my mother assumed that responsibility. The baton is now being passed. My parents are both well, (a blessing in itself) but the logistics just make it practical for Karen and I to host Thanksgiving for the foreseeable future. We are already nearly a day into the full holiday weekend and we collectively have many reasons to give THANKS!

Blessings to ALL any may you be THANKFUL as well!

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